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Energy Committee Minutes 03-17-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Burt Schnitzer
Margaret Campbell
Martha Broad
Paul Vasington
Stu Malmberg

Visitor: Ryan Prucnal

The Committee invited Eric Broadbent of Town of Harvard Energy Committee to provide a summary of process Harvard followed to pass the Stretch Code.
Eric highlighted some of the arguments on both sides that emerged during the Town of Harvard Stretch Code debate, prior to adoption at a special town meeting:
“Stretch code brings a much needed system of checks and balances and consumer protection re energy efficiency improvements in new homes and additions/renovations.  Opponents of stretch code will suggest that a two code system will create “chaos”; the reality is that there will be differences; maybe builders will have to have two sets of designs; a lot of this comes down to practices, more of a performance change than a design change.  Consumer protection…we have seat belts and speed limits.  
Rather than making it unaffordable for new homeowners, it’s just the opposite: these will be the homes that will save money and have a certification regarding the building’s efficiency.”
Stu: did builders say that homeowners are turning them down when they offer efficiency upgrades?
Eric: “Yes, opponents will say that people don’t want to pay extra…they just want the cheapest house; opponents sometimes say “this really should be market-driven and shouldn’t be driven by code”…Eric’s response “well, maybe we shouldn’t have speed limits.”  Eric suggested that people need to understand that “the Stretch code is your choice.”
Eric mentioned that a builder of new homes, Carter Scott, has proven that you don’t have to add cost to get efficiency; in fact energy efficiency improvements have relatively quick paybacks (3 to 5 years).  

Need for consumer protection was highlighted by the experience of one resident of Harvard who had a renovation and then hired a firm to come do a blower door test.  To his and his builder’s surprise, it showed a lot of leakage; it’s true as opponents to the stretch code say “builders are under pressure, juggling multiple jobs, meeting deadlines….” Therefore, one can’t expect the prescriptive standard to do it, it is a system ripe for certification by a HERS rater.  

Not a lot of HERS raters certified yet: 35 are licensed in the state; 70% of buildings have been inspected; some people predict that building inspectors will retire and become HERS raters; talked to a builder in Ayer and he thinks HERS raters will cost more, so he’s talking to DOER about it.
The point is that towns cannot avoid the requirement to meet higher energy efficiency building code standards.  The state is heading that direction, it’s a question of whether a town wants to get ahead of the game and get in now;
HIGH PRIORITY ACTION ITEMS to prepare for 3/30/11 Public Hearing:
  • Draft opinion piece, circulate for final edits and submit to Bolton Common , along with item for Calendar section by  TUES NOON (Paul )
  • Check with Kelly Brown/DOER Gr Cmties rep re: whether we can get funding for boiler by next fall (boiler will be on town meeting warrant); (Martha)
  • Clean  up website (Stu with help from Ryan), including the following:
  • Take down newsletter and addtl links
  • Take down Clean Energy Choice link
  • Post flyer, general code info FAQs, green communities
  • Post stretch code info
  • Margaret volunteered to post flyers and will contact Holly at Wicked Local/Bolton Common with names of green builders and renovators that could be interviewed (to run sometime before 5/2/11 town meeting).  Names Eric provided are
  • Paul Elderkamp, Byggmeister,
  • Jonathan Kantar, sagebuilders
  • Carter Scott of Renovations,
  • Stu will contact police/town hall re: posting anncmt on Houghton Bldg sign
  • Stu will contact realtors
  • Martha will contact Doug Storey re: agenda and getting builders to attend
  • Need a volunteer to contact Mark Sandeen, Lexington for good info we can post on our website re: stretch;
Other Action Items
  • Discussion of other items on town meeting agenda that might affect Stretch Discussion:
  • Fyfeshire dam may be on the warrant:  Martha will send Margaret her colleague Amy Barad’s Contact info (Amy specializes in hydro)
  • Land purchases being recommended
  • Write Linda Day an email indicating Energy Committee would like to recommend Ryan be appointed to the Committee; also remind her to post notes, agendas, Minutes  (Martha)
  • SEND LETTER to Don Lowe re:Energy Committee available to assist and about  MA Energy Insight (Martha);
Burt reported that he watched a recent Selectmens’ meeting and they are looking at energy use in buildings and trying to make more accurate projections; Stu volunteered that he and Ted will offer to show MA Energy Insight, let them know we are tracking; Ryan is going to view the MA Energy Insight data (has password)